Work Culture

Lembaya Higher Education Services Region IX

Have Integrity

Harmony between thought, word, and deed. The positive indicators are consistent and steadfast in upholding truth values; honest in all actions; avoiding conflicts of interest; thinking positively, wisely, and wisely in carrying out duties and functions; complying with applicable laws and regulations. While the indicators of negative behavior that should be avoided is to commit acts of corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN); violate the oath and promise of employees/positions; perform acts of Engineering or manipulation; accept gifts (gratuities) in any form outside the terms.
Examples of Positive Behavior: dare to express opinions when things go wrong; travel / workshop in accordance with the duration of the needs of the organization; carry out the procurement of goods and services in accordance with applicable regulations; come to work on time; wear uniforms according to the provisions.
Examples of negative behavior: making fictitious expense reports; inviting families using official travel expenses; quoting fees outside the applicable rate; receiving gifts from vendors/hotels/communities

Creative and innovative

Have inventiveness; have the ability to create new things that are different from those that already exist or that have been known before. The positive indicators are having a mindset, perspective and varied approach to each problem, and being able to produce new work; always making improvements and improvements periodically and continuously; being open to receiving constructive new ideas; dare to take breakthroughs and solutions in solving problems; utilizing information and Communication Technology in working effective and efficient. The negative indicators are feeling quickly satisfied with the results achieved; being closed to development ideas; and monotony.​
Examples of positive behavior: creating a SOP that can speed up the work process; making meeting minutes directly with a laptop; listening to the meeting participants wisely; distributing paperless letters; using social media in serving and communicating both with the community and internal circles

Examples of negative behavior: not evaluating work for further development; using the same work pattern / routine; following the same work program as the previous year.


The ability of a person to act beyond what is required or demanded from work. As for the positive indicators, they are responsive to serving the needs of stakeholders; being proactive about the needs of the organization; having the drive to identify problems or opportunities and being able to take real action to solve problems. As for the negative indicators, they are only doing the tasks requested by the boss; seeking the most votes, taking refuge from failure, arguing that what they are doing has been approved by all team members.
Examples of positive behavior: alacrity in serving the needs of service users; presenting meeting materials quickly without being asked by superiors; attending a meeting 5 minutes before it starts; daring to disclose irregularities based on accurate data.
Examples of negative behavior: passive in waiting for orders from superiors; lazy to give opinions in a meeting/discussion.


Always strive to develop professional competence. The positive indicators are willing and trying to always add and expand horizons, knowledge and experience, take wisdom and make lessons for every mistake, share knowledge/experience with colleagues. The negative indicators are not making good use of time, reluctant to learn new things, lazy to work/ask/discuss.
Examples of positive behavior: attending seminars/trainings / workshops with enthusiasm; doing introspection on yourself; making training resumes and sending them to colleagues; having formal/informal discussions related to work programs.
Examples of negative behavior: lazy to read books; not attending training in full; lazy to attend invitations to socialize work programs from other K/L.

Upholding Meritocracy

Uphold fairness in awarding competent employees. The positive indicators are competing professionally, providing equal opportunities in developing employee competencies, giving rewards and punishments proportionately according to performance, not arbitrary, and not selfish. As for the negative indicators, they are occupying positions that are not in accordance with their competence, getting promotions only because of closeness/primordialism.
Examples of Positive Behavior: encourage colleagues to participate in open selection, provide an objective assessment of SKP, provide opportunities for employees to develop competencies, avoid discrimination against ethnic, racial, religious and age differences; do not close information for career development of other employees
Examples of negative behavior: conduct nepotism practices in appointing employees; conduct employee selection is not based on competence

Actively Involved

Always participate in every activity. The positive indicator is to be directly involved in every activity to support the vision and mission of the Ministry, providing support to colleagues. As for the negative indicators, they do not care about the activities of the surrounding environment (apathy) and are passive, waiting for orders.
Examples of positive behavior: following the commemoration of the National big day ceremony, following the flag ceremony, socializing with the community to create public trust, as a superior, setting an example for his subordinates, as a subordinate, loyal and disciplined towards each task given.
Examples of negative behavior: lazy to turn off the air conditioner, computer and other electronic devices that are not used, fill out daily activity forms after being asked.

No Strings Attached

Work with sincerity and dedication. Positive indicators are full of commitment in carrying out work; willing to help the work of other colleagues; showing 4s attitude (smile, greet, polite and courteous). As for the negative indicators, that is, doing the job by force, it is bad to think about colleagues.​
Examples of Positive Behavior: work in accordance with the planned SKP; escort guests who visit the office with a sincere heart; mutual respect among fellow employees.
Examples of negative behavior: completing work without checks and checks, it is difficult to establish cooperation with colleagues in finding the best solution.
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The Value Of Work Culture​

The Ministry of Education and culture

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The Value Of Work Culture​

The Ministry of Education and culture







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