SAKIP information
Lembaya Higher Education Services Region IX
The performance of LLDIKTI Region IX in 2023 which was able to be achieved from 9 activity performance indicators, namely 8 IKKS, was met and exceeded the target. While 1 IKK is not achieve the targets set in the 2023 Performance Agreement....
Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah IX and hereinafter abbreviated as LLDIKTI Wilayah IX is a work unit within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) which has the task and....
2024 performance agreement of the head of Higher Education Service Institution of Region IX with the Secretary General
In order to realize effective, transparent, and accountable government performance and results-oriented, we are the signatories.....
Performance Agreement 2023 head of Higher Education Service Institution Region IX with Secretary General
The First party promises to realize the performance targets that should be in accordance with the annex to this performance agreement, in order to achieve the medium-term performance targets as set forth in the planning document...
2022 performance agreement of the head of the Higher Education Service Institution of Region IX with the Secretary General
The First party undertakes to realize the performance targets that should be in accordance with the annex to this performance agreement, in order to achieve the medium-term performance targets set forth in the planning document. Success and failure of target achievement...
2023 Financial Statements of Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX
Region IX Higher Education Service Institution is one of the entities accounting under the obliged accounting and Financial Reporting bodies organize accounting and accountability reports on the implementation of Estimated Income......
2022 financial statements of Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX
Region IX Higher Education Service Institution is one of the entities accounting under the obliged accounting and Financial Reporting bodies organize accounting and accountability reports on the implementation of Estimated Income......
2021 financial statements of Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX
Region IX Higher Education Service Institution is one of the entities accounting under the obliged accounting and Financial Reporting bodies organize accounting and accountability reports on the implementation of Estimated Income......
2020 financial statements of Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX
Region IX Higher Education Service Institution is one of the entities accounting under the obliged accounting and Financial Reporting bodies organize accounting and accountability reports on the implementation of Estimated Income......
2019 financial statements of Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX
Region IX Higher Education Service Institution is one of the entities accounting under the obliged accounting and Financial Reporting bodies organize accounting and accountability reports on the implementation of Estimated Income......
Satker working paper details 2023 Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX
The First party promises to realize the performance targets that should be in accordance with the annex to this performance agreement, in order to achieve the medium-term performance targets as set forth in the planning document...
Satker working paper details 2022 Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX
The First party undertakes to realize the performance targets that should be in accordance with the annex to this performance agreement, in order to achieve the medium-term performance targets set forth in the planning document. Success and failure targe achievement...
Satker working paper details 2021 Region IX Higher Education Service Institutions
The First party undertakes to realize the performance targets that should be in accordance with the annex to this performance agreement, in order to achieve the medium-term performance targets set forth in the planning document. Success and failure targe achievement...
Working paper details of Satker 2020 Higher Education Service Institution Region IX
The First party undertakes to realize the performance targets that should be in accordance with the annex to this performance agreement, in order to achieve the medium-term performance targets set forth in the planning document. Success and failure targe achievement...
Performance report 2023 Region IX Higher Education Service Institutions
This report presents performance information on the achievement of strategic goals/objectives program / target activities and performance indicators as stated in the performance agreement of Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX Makassar year 2023. Institution Of Higher Education Services...
Performance report 2022 Region IX Higher Education Service Institutions
This report presents performance information on the achievement of strategic goals/objectives program / target activities and performance indicators as stated in the performance agreement of Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX Makassar year 2023. Institution Of Higher Education Services...
Performance report 2022 Region IX Higher Education Service Institutions
This report presents performance information on the achievement of strategic goals/objectives program / target activities and performance indicators as stated in the performance agreement of Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX Makassar year 2023. Institution Of Higher Education Services...
Performance report 2021 Region IX Higher Education Service Institutions
This report presents performance information on the achievement of strategic goals/objectives program / target activities and performance indicators as stated in the performance agreement of Higher Education Service Institutions Region IX Makassar year 2023. Institution Of Higher Education Services...